
BREAK!! - A TRPG inspired by fantasy videogames and anime

Created by Grey Wizard

An easy-to-play game of exploration & teamwork set in the wonderfully dangerous Outer World.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Weekly Update (6/27/23)
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 08:57:17 AM

Happy Weekly Update everyone,

Last week ended up a bit more hectic than anticipated, but things are back on track. On top of finishing up the fixes to the PDFs, we should be finalizing shipping info soon as well so hopefully we'll have those updates pretty close to one another for you all.

One other thing I'm deciding on is how quickly to release the "Options Menu" blog posts once we've sent out the Ver 0.9 PDF. I was thinking one every other day or so (to give people a chance to digest each but also get them out in a timely manner) but maybe weekly for those as well? I'll probably just play it by ear.

Anyway, thanks again everyone. See you next update!

Weekly Update (6/20/23)
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 09:06:28 AM

Happy Weekly update everyone!

Grey has made some really good progress in the last week. He's been chipping away at the mountain of edits at a rate that leaves me expecting we'll have some exciting news for everyone soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

(Let's hope I didn't jinx it right there!)

That said, I know that doesn't leave us much to talk about this update so let me include this preview of the "Option Menu" blog posts that will have various ways to customize BREAK!! in a quick and easy way.

This one is compatible with the Battle Princess included in the preview PDF, so I thought it'd be a useful one to show off:

See you all next update!

Weekly Update (6/13/2023)
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 08:49:25 AM

Happy Weekly Update everyone!

Grey has let me know he's just over halfway finished applying the edits from our proofreader, so he's making good progress.  As usual, I'll keep everyone informed as best I can.

I also had a few people ask about the story of BREAK!!'s development - while my video creating skills still require a lot to be desired, I did do something to try and tell that story, at least from my end!

Weekly Update (6/6/2023)
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 06:51:27 AM

Happy Weekly Update everyone! It's a short one this time.

"Logistics" was the name of the game last week - a bunch of little things that needed to be sorted out. It looks like those are mostly resolved so we've been pressing on. Grey is a little over a quarter of the way through applying the edits I mentioned in the last update. It's a very fiddly process involving a lot of moving parts, but progress is steady.

As mentioned in a few other spots, I've been working more on some blog posts to publish once the preview is out. This is a series tentatively titled Option Menu, and each one is about customizing and tweaking a different aspect of BREAK!! to your needs and preferences. These also serve as a means for me to discuss the design philosophy behind said facets, so they should make for good reads even if you plan on using the game as is. I hope they end up being entertaining and useful for folks.

Anyway, that's it for now. See you next week! 

Weekly Update (5/29/23)
about 1 year ago – Mon, May 29, 2023 at 07:33:29 AM

Hello everyone!

A few, important updates for you this week.

We're currently getting the exact physical dimensions on the books (we are going for some nicer paper quality, huzzah!) to our fulfillment partner and waiting for kickstarter to confirm/collect from everyone so we can get the finalized list of backers to them as well. 

We hope to have this all done as soon as we can as this will allow them to work out the most economical means of shipping and help us move onto the next steps of fulfillment. It will also ensure accuracy on the shipping costs featured on the backer survey sent out to all of you, where you'll be able to update and finalize your pledge.

Also, as a bit of a head's up: we are able to include some VATs and other taxes as part of what we charge, but we have been told certain countries might end up charging separately. Just something to be aware of when they all go through.

As for the PDF itself, we've combed through and approved the proposed edits. The arduous task of applying said changes (1500 in all!) to the PDF is now underway. Even though most are relatively small there are a lot more than we thought, so everyone please send your energy to Grey as he once again weaves his layout magic. For my part, I'll keep letting everyone know any major news.

Thanks again to all of you and see you next update!