Mini shipping update!
8 months ago
– Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 09:04:21 AM
Hi wonderful backers!
UK/Europe/RoW (not US/Canada/Australia... sorry!)
Books are going out now, and everyone who met the 14th of April deadline in these regions should have their tracking number (if not their book) by early next week.
You can raise tickets if your package is damaged (or are experiencing any other delivery issues) with the Gamesquest Customer Service team, via this link:
Submit a ticket : BACKER SUPPORT (
Kickstarter backers please mark as fulfilled!
We want to put up our next BREAK!!-related project but can't until KS are satisfied we have fulfilled, and we are keen to provide continued support for the game.
Also... please post pictures on twitter, facebook, etc
We love seeing the book out in the wild (and tag us in!)
Mini fulfilment update!
8 months ago
– Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 07:17:24 AM
Hey patient backers!
Lil' update...
The goods to the US (which includes the goods to Canada) sailed on the 2nd June and is estimated to reach New York next week. Once this has offloaded and cleared, they can rail it to Cleveland where the Gamesquest distribution center is. No precise timescales yet!
The goods to AU were loaded onto the vessel on the 2nd and sailed last week. The current estimate to reach port in Sydney is the end of July. No precise timescales yet!
UK/Europe/Rest of World
UK & European backers have been scheduled and couriers assigned. Tracking numbers to follow shortly.
Rest of World scheduling soon!
Fulfilment started from the UK distibution hub
9 months ago
– Sat, Jun 01, 2024 at 04:11:22 AM
Ello wonderful backers!
Reminder! We will be fulfilling for those that meet the address/payment deadline first
The first wave of fulfillment is for backers who locked their addresses and paid shipping by 14th April 2024, as requested. We will do another batch to sweep up all those that completed after the deadline. Hopefully this won't be an excessive delay, we want to get it to you ASAP too, but we had to have a cut off to start fulfillment. I hope you understand.
Shipping has started from the UK Hub (inc. Europe)
Backers being fulfilled from the UK Hub will have received their email from Gamesquest, a tracking number will follow shortly (we have been given no precise dates on when this will happen, sorry)
The UK hub fulfills for the following countries:
The United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bahrain, Brazil, Switzerland, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Faroe Islands, France, United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Iceland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, Thailand, Turkey, Taiwan, and Ukraine will be fulfilled from the UK hub.
Books are on the boat to the US/Canadian Hubs
I have been advised this can take between 4-6 weeks.
Once the books are safely there, you will get your final address confirmation email and shipping to you address will start.
Books are on the boat to Australian/New Zealand Hub
As above but... ship can take 6-8 weeks.
We will update when we are provided with more precise information!
Shipping update!
9 months ago
– Wed, May 15, 2024 at 11:16:06 AM
Hi wonderful (patient) backers,
What's the hold up?
As you know we have had the physical copies for a while, and are desperate to get them to you!
Freight has been arranged to get the books to the various global distribution hubs, we are waiting for the final bit of customs red tape but hope to get start the process towards the end of next week.
Can I change my address?
Before GamesQuest start shipping you will get one last chance to update your address (I know a few of you have asked!)
You will get an email with a link in from GamesQuest that will look something like this...
Please keep an eye out for it as this really is the last chance to change your details.
What's next?
After that, you will get a tracking number so you can monitor the progress of your order. Remember we have all the stock in the UK so may it take a while to get the books across the Atlantic or deep into the southern hemisphere.
This part of the process has taken a lot longer than we anticipated (we were naive and optimistic!) but hope you will be happy with the end product. It took us 10 years to complete this project and we are so grateful for all the patient support.
BREAK!! dev team!
Coming soon to your doorstep...
Final PDF... now with hyperlinks!
10 months ago
– Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 11:01:43 PM
The Final PDF has been released!
You should shortly receive an email message with a link to the download, if not you can login in to Backerkit and download from there.
Sorry its taken so long, I know a few backers have been frustrated about the wait for the final PDF.
Moving around the book is now superfast! Linked content includes:
- Table of contents
- Index
- Cross referenced rules text
- Margin sections
A massive thank you to Quagg on our discord server who wrote a script to add the hyperlinks (as doing it manually in Adobe Indesign was proving problematic and the primary cause of the delay!)
In addition...
We swapped the Avenir Neue font to Avenir Classic for the text which resolves the 'large U' problem people were experiencing in some PDF readers. This did affect the text flow in a few places which had a minor knock on affect on page layout (anyway, I think all issues are now resolved!)
And If you spot any errors...
Let us know!