Weekly Update (5/29/23)
over 1 year ago
– Mon, May 29, 2023 at 07:33:29 AM
Hello everyone!
A few, important updates for you this week.
We're currently getting the exact physical dimensions on the books (we are going for some nicer paper quality, huzzah!) to our fulfillment partner and waiting for kickstarter to confirm/collect from everyone so we can get the finalized list of backers to them as well.
We hope to have this all done as soon as we can as this will allow them to work out the most economical means of shipping and help us move onto the next steps of fulfillment. It will also ensure accuracy on the shipping costs featured on the backer survey sent out to all of you, where you'll be able to update and finalize your pledge.
Also, as a bit of a head's up: we are able to include some VATs and other taxes as part of what we charge, but we have been told certain countries might end up charging separately. Just something to be aware of when they all go through.
As for the PDF itself, we've combed through and approved the proposed edits. The arduous task of applying said changes (1500 in all!) to the PDF is now underway. Even though most are relatively small there are a lot more than we thought, so everyone please send your energy to Grey as he once again weaves his layout magic. For my part, I'll keep letting everyone know any major news.
Thanks again to all of you and see you next update!
Weekly Update (5/23/23)
over 1 year ago
– Tue, May 23, 2023 at 08:22:40 AM
Hey everyone,
Just in case you'd not seen or heard, pre-orders are up for those who missed the kickstarter proper. If you know anyone whose interested, please share it with them!
As for us, our proofreader finished going over the book and we are going through reviewing and applying those edits now. Between this and working through the logistics of fulfillment we are pretty busy and may be a little quieter than usual for a bit, but we'll keep everyone updated.
Kickstarter completion and the future
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, May 17, 2023 at 08:00:58 AM
First of all, thank you all so much. Grey and I are absolutely floored by the results of our crowdfunding.
BREAK!! won't just happen, it's going to flourish in the hands of so many dedicated people and we couldn't be more grateful for it.
Once we take an afternoon or so to dust ourselves off, we're going to get right into things. The proofreading of the book is already underway, and once that's done we'll get straight to applying the edits. We are hoping to try and complete this in a couple of weeks or so, but we'll keep you all posted.
After that, backers will receive the preview PDF and after a feedback period we'll complete and deliver the finalized one. Naturally from there it'll be a matter of printing and sending the full physical copies. In addition, stay tuned for word on the pledge manager.
We plan on updating the Kickstarter weekly to keep everyone posted. Keep an eye out on devblog as well, especially once the rules are available. Updates, guidelines on customization, and other tidbits and features will be posted there.
Once again, thank you all for your support. We can't wait for you to start your adventures in Outer World!
Preview PDF Update!
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, May 04, 2023 at 10:25:41 AM
Hey everyone, just a short update on the release of the preview PDF!
After some back and forth Grey and I have decided that we want to let our proofreader finish their work and for us to apply those edits prior to releasing that initial backer-preview. This is because we want you all to be able to concentrate on playing and experimenting with the game's rules and reporting back on how you feel/find about them rather than having to worry about digging around for obvious typos and errors. We think this would be a more useful and fun way to do it for everyone.
This does mean the preview PDF will probably release a little bit after the Kickstarter completion rather than straight away - though we want to make sure to keep it within a couple of weeks as not to stretch our release schedule too much. Hopefully it will be in your hands sooner than later (sometimes we work very fast) but we wanted to put this message out there just in case.
Thanks again for all your support!
What a whirlwind of a week!
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 05:48:02 AM
Once again everyone, thank you so much for all your support. This is huge for me and Grey - I am ecstatic with all the enthusiasm for our game and even more resolved to make sure we deliver a book that lives up to all the excitement you've shown.
We've also got our proofreader lined up, and I'm (fairly) confident that fulfillment will go as smoothly. On top of the supplements and modules we already have discussed, I can now take a bit of time to plan on what we else we can work on after the Kickstarter: people have asked about solo play options, VTT support, and other tools. All worthy ventures in my book!
That said, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. In a little under a month the campaign should wrap up and you'll all be able to get a taste of the game with the V0.9 PDF, and I can't wait for that.
Till next update!