
BREAK!! - A TRPG inspired by fantasy videogames and anime

Created by Grey Wizard

An easy-to-play game of exploration & teamwork set in the wonderfully dangerous Outer World.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Weekly Update 8/23/2023
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 07:03:40 AM

Hey everyone, sorry this one came a bit later than normal! It is an important post, though - this is going to be the last Option Menu for a bit. It's something of a culmination of all the previous posts!

 Option Menu: Preparing a Custom Setting 

This post provides guidelines on using worlds of your own devising for your BREAK!! sagas, and also includes two sample mini-settings to give you an idea on how to get started.

Don't worry too much though. While Option Menu is done for now, I'm going to keep using these updates to provide game freebies and lore each week, so look forward to those.

Weekly Update (8/15/2023)
over 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 02:53:07 PM

Hello everyone! I've got two things for you today.

The first is this week's Option Menu - it's all about house rules. I think BREAK!! is great the way it is, but you might want to tweak things a bit. Here's a little guide on how you might do that, along with a few example changes: 

In addition, we also have a new video on our youtube with a casual chat about preparing your BREAK!! Saga. Might make for a good sleep aid too...

That's it for this week. Have fun, and I'll be back with some more stuff next time!

A massive thank you to those who are providing feedback... and a request for help with the Character Sheet!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 03:09:03 AM

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The feedback form has been a vital part of our development process and really helped with quality control. We've had a fantastic response, and caught some real doozies!

All contributions have been anonymous, so all I can do is offer a massive thank you to all the rigorous, mildly pedantic, backers that logged issues. I was literally dancing with joy with each embarrassing error that was logged and rectified. 

A whole range of errors were found: typos, incorrect references, graphical issues, and more!

The feedback process is still running and we are still finding new things (Latest: "Crush like a vice" should be "vise"!) We'll keep the form open until just before sending the file to print. We may even keep a feedback link in final pdf to continue to collect your precious thoughts and suggestions!

Request for feedback on the Character Sheet

We've already had a few comments on the Character Sheet, but would encourage anyone printing it out and filling it in to log any issues or suggestions in the form so we can tweak it to perfection. Thank you!

More detail, if you're interested... 

  • Lots of issues due me editing Rey's original US text, accidentally sprinkling in some UK flavour or is that flavor. 
  • Some issues were created by changing terms during development. One example is the 'Self-Assembly' Ability mentioned in the Skelemen reskin section which isn't referenced anywhere else in the book. This was when I was experimenting with making names more generic, but we decided against going this route as it lost some of the humor/flavor.
  • Some placeholder, or old, images were forgotten about. An example of this is  the roman numerals in the Contents section headers all being "II", where I tried it out to see what it would look like, but then never went back to update the other sections.
  • Extra gratitude goes out to those who cross-referenced all the rules and links to pull us up on consistency. For example, the costs of items in the Appendix Gear List not being the same as the actual entry in the book, and issues in many other places!
  • Note, we will definitely be doing a 1-page version of the book for mobile/tablet readers. This was a popular request.
  • We will also be hyperlinking the document, but this may come later after the file is 100% print ready as its quite time consuming and the effort is better spent elsewhere at the moment.
  • Some pattern seeking backers even noticed that the total for Aptitudes for Sages/Heretics added up to less than the other Callings (40 to 42). This IS deliberate to offset their slightly more potent/powers. However top marks, to those that analyzed the system to this level of detail, it really gave me confidence that you guys are gonna find all the flaws. Amazing!
  • There are many other examples, too many to mention. Rest assured they have all been read, responded to, and a appreciated!

Percy Powerpuff's combat values

Particularly embarrassing are the Percy Powerpuff & Soul Scorcher examples for crafting and combat values! What good is an example if it's wrong! 

Old version with errors!
New version with Percy in Medium Armor (and updated images for Champion, Chib, etc)

Thanks again!

Thank you to who ever left this. It made my day!

Please forgive any typos in the post :-)