
BREAK!! - A TRPG inspired by fantasy videogames and anime

Created by Grey Wizard

An easy-to-play game of exploration & teamwork set in the wonderfully dangerous Outer World.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Production Update
4 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 06:00:24 AM

We are nearing the end...

Putting the hardcover on the standard edition!

A finished slipcase for the special edition

Devblog update: EYE have got a new monster for you! (3/17/2024)
4 months ago – Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 05:06:39 AM

Behold! This week on the blog is an entry on an adversary that was inspired by the floating eyeball monsters of yore with a twist or two.

(Sorry it's a little late, but I wanted to give Grey's news from the last update some room to breathe!)

Production is slow... but we are nearly there!
4 months ago – Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 04:28:40 AM

Hi wonderful backers,

We are getting near to the end of the manufacturing cycle. Once all products have been assembled we can get shipping!

Here's the latest pics from the printers.

An actual finished Special edition book! Binding, foil, and edge printing completed

Standard edition with edge printing (awaiting hard covers!)

Leap-Day Blog Update (2/29/24)
5 months ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 06:25:54 PM

Hey everyone, we'll be back with more news of the print and PDF soon, but I couldn't resist posting an update on a leap day.

Today's blog post is on Mariah Doeheart, the example character in the back of the rulebook AND the main person featured on its cover. Hope you all don't mind a bit of lore!

Devblog Update: 20 Followers for your BREAK!! adventures (2/17/23)
5 months ago – Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 06:11:03 PM

Hey everyone, while not quite as exciting as Grey's recent update, I do have a new blog entry for you this week! 

This one has a bunch of followers you can add to your BREAK!! sagas, as I thought that might be a useful freebie to have.